Astrology Juno meaning
Juno is an asteroid that can sometimes be as influential as a planet on the birth chart. In mythology, she is the sister and wife of Zeus. In Greek mythology, it is referred to as Hera, and in Roman mythology as Juno. Astrology Juno meaning is about marriage, birth, loyalty and partnerships. Juno is connected with the theme of spouse and marriage in Astrology. It usually tells you how a person is looking for a wife in a long-term relationship over a year, what he expects from marriage, what he needs, and what kind of attitude the person is in when they are together. Juno on the birth chart gives information about her partner, with whom the map owner is in an emotional relationship that will partner in her life. At the same time, Juno will also provide important information about how a person’s life will be shaped with marriage. Engagement, wedding, marriage process, divorces, agreements, courts, etc. it will give you a hint about it.
Juno and relationships
Aries and Juno
When Juno is under the sign of Aries, a person wants to be with a confident and courageous partner. He needs honesty, naturalness and ease in revealing himself in his relationships. It is possible that the owner of the map is the initiator, especially in romantic relationships. He will not like monotony and routines in his marriage or relationship.
Taurus and Juno
If Juno is in the sign of Taurus on the map, loyalty, continuity and commitment are important factors in her marriage for the map owner. For continuity in relationships, the most important need will be the feeling of trust that he feels towards his partners.
Gemini and Juno
When Juno is in the sign of Gemini on a map, a person expects his marriage to be colorful and lively. He will want to enter into emotional relationships with knowledgeable, communicative and cheerful partners. It is possible that he made more than one marriage.
Cancer and Juno
The owner of the map will want a protective partner who cares about family values in relationships. In their relationship, the rootstock is a nurturing and empathetic partner. It asks that his marriage be established according to traditional and family-learned values.
Leo and Juno
When Juno is under the sign of Leo, a person wants to live together with an authoritarian and confident partner. The owner of the map wants to keep an eye on their relationship, so he will look for energy and excitement in their union.
Virgo and Juno
Logic in relationships for a person will precede emotions when Juno is under the sign of Virgo. He wants his marriage to work in order. He is drawn towards people who are aware of their responsibilities, knowledgeable and at the forefront of their work.
Libra and Juno
When Juno is under the sign of Libra, a person will be looking for balance in relationships. It wants to establish a union with fair, harmonious and high aesthetic perception people.
Scorpio and Juno
When Juno is under the sign of Scorpio, the person is possessive and passionate in relationships. He is usually attracted to sensitive, mysterious and intuitive people. He will establish a deep and intense emotional connection in their relationship.

Astrology Juno meaning
Sagittarius and Juno
When Juno is in Sagittarius on a map, the person exhibits free and optimistic attitudes in relationships. He wants to be with those who have a developed spirit of adventure, have a strong philosophical side and are instructive. Her marriage is a very important adventure for her and she enjoys experiencing it.
Capricorn and Juno
When Juno is in Capricorn, the respectability of her partners in front of the society takes an important place for the relationship she will establish for the person. Their union will be systematic and long-lasting. He wants the marriage to take shape according to the values he brings from the family or according to the norms approved by society.
Aquarius and Juno
When Juno is in Aquarius, the person is attracted to his own people and wants to establish an unusual union with them. He can determine a lifestyle that is far from the idea of marriage.
Pisces and Juno
When Juno is in Pisces on a map, it will be extremely important for the map owner to establish an emotional bond in relationships. He has a caring, harmonious and altruistic attitude in his relationships. He wants his marriage to be based on emotional ties.