What is Alternative Medicine?

What is Alternative Medicine?
What is Alternative Medicine?

What is Alternative Medicine?

Alternative medicine is a form of treatment that is not based on scientific methods, is more traditional, and emerges through a trial and error process. Being immeasurable and uncontrolled plays a supporting role in contemporary medicine. It is even taught as a medical branch in some schools.

Alternative Medicine Credibility

While medicine itself harbors skepticism, the situation becomes even more complicated when alternative medicine steps in. Alternative medicine, which is preferred in societies that live with more cultural values ​​and superstitions, may be a result of poverty. The inadequacy of people in scientific matters has led people to look at nature, which is their essence, and as a result, it has made it necessary to understand and benefit from plants.

Some Alternative Medicine Methods

Massage: Although it is done unconsciously in Turkish society, massage is one of the alternative medicine methods. It is more of a technique used to relax and soften the body. Their many places that are professionally done.

Aromatherapy: Extensive use of vegetable oils. Although it was used frequently in ancient times, its usage area is decreasing day by day. Aromatherapy is not the same as herbal therapy. The oils used here are quite heavy compared to the herbal treatment. Its main source is oils obtained from rose, jasmine, and lavender plants.


What is Alternative Medicine?

What is Alternative Medicine?

Hypnosis: In a basic phrase, it is the state of sleep and wakefulness. The hypnotized person perceives only the hypnotist by shutting himself off to environmental sounds. It is more applied to people who have experienced a psychological disorder or a traumatic event. Although it was used as magic or sorcery at first, it took its place as a science over time.

Acupuncture: It is a form of healing that has its origins in China. It is the process of inserting needles into certain points of the body. It gives results with the stimulation of the needle inserted place. Although it is not clear exactly how the needles work, it has a positive effect on neural tissues.

Alternative Medicine Uses

Alternative medicine is mostly used for both psychological and immune system strengthening of the person. It is used to prevent chronic diseases, protect from chronic diseases, and improve the quality of life. The substance given to the body is not a medicine, but a plant. Direct use of plants can cause allergic reactions. Therefore, it should not be used without knowing or being an expert.

Alternative Medicine Debates


Advocates think that alternative medicine benefits as a result of its wide-ranging impact. However, although it has a positive effect to a certain extent, it is thought that it does not result in full treatment. This group mostly consists of people who think that modern medicine has made mistakes and does not give definite results.

Those who do not support

The best source that can be trusted for human health is doctors. People who practice alternative medicine without any valid criteria defend the view that it is unacceptable. Alternative medicine was before science, and now they think it is just a tradition. Although it has been used for a long time, there is insufficient evidence for its safety. The fact that alternative medicine treatments do not experiment with the scientific method and acting with double-blind logic is a negative situation for those who defend science.

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